The humpbacks and killer whales were plentiful this holiday week! We saw killer whales on 12 of our 13 trips this week, it was amazing.
The most unique encounter of the week was on Wednesday’s tour, when we found a juvenile killer whale named “Indy” (T065A5), all tangled up in some crab pot line and unable to get himself free. We worked with two other whale watch boats to ensure the local entanglement team was alerted, and watched for just a few minutes to make sure the whale was able to surface, and get breaths. We found out later in the day, the entanglement team was able to relocate the whale and get him freed of the crab gear. An awesome outcome for all involved, especially the whale! We had numerous reports of little Indy frolicking about the Salish Sea for the rest of the week. He is such a unique little whale, and always seems to find himself in trouble of some sort.
We also had some incredible humpback whale action this week! We hope to see you on a tour soon!